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Vark Questionnaire


Submitted By ak5carr
Words 874
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The VARK Questionnaire: Learning Styles

The VARK Questionnaire: Learning Styles and Strategies Neil Fleming is an individual that helped to develop the VARK learning-style Questionnaire. The questionnaire helps one to evaluate their own learning preferences and to most effectively manage their own study habits. It asks a series of multiple-choice questions of the student and then generates the learning preference geared towards the way in which the questions were answered. When the student determines there own learning style, after taking the questionnaire, they are also given tools to show them how to most effectively study for his or her communication and learning style. What does VARK stand for? VARK is an acronym for Visual, Aural, Read/Write and Kinesthetic (Fleming, 2011). The VARK questionnaire is a great tool to help a student develop life-long strategies for studying and learning. As explained by Fleming (2011), the learning preferences are as follows: Visual, which focuses on color, layout, and design. The student learns by “seeing” the information. Aural learners learn by hearing instructions. The student learns by participating in class discussions, using recorded devices to later “hear” the instructions. These types of learners get the most out of lectures, discussions and debates. The read/write learner make lists, take notes, often word for word, and reread notes many times in order to understand the instructions or material. They tend to be able to express their thoughts well through writing. The kinesthetic learner learns by the hands on approach. They need to experience the material in order to fully grasp it. They tend to absorb the information and like to be active not sitting in class. My learning preference is a combination of all of the above. The multimodal learner is considered to be multimodal because none of the

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