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Submitted By gbarboz
Words 294
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Career Exploration into Policing
Gina LaGuardia
Axia College of University of Phoenix

Career Exploration into Policing In Denver Colorado, the hiring process is pretty detailed and long. First, he or she needs to apply when the application office is open. If it is closed, he or she can submit an interest form for future contact. There are helpful hints to help an interested individual gain ground against other candidates. There are 11 phases for an entry-level position. These phases range from computerized screening to commission background review. Once an individual has passed all 11 intense phases is then added to an eligible register that is ranked by his or her final exam score. Certificate of names is passed to managers. Commission certifies names, DPD conducts a panel interview where it’s decided to recommend, or not recommend. The list is then reviewed by DPD command staff. Based on the list of approved and eligible candidates, a conditional job offer is given. Once the conditional job offer is sent out, the individual goes through a hair follicle test, medical and psychological exam. Final job offered given if passed. There is approximately 27 weeks of training for new hires. Training includes exposure to federal and state laws, search and seizure, arrest control, firearms and more. There are also weekly examinations and vigorous physical conditioning program. He or she participates in field problem which tests their ability to reason through challenges. Recruitments must pass a P.O. S.T. examination. New officers are assigned to the patrol department for three and a half months to build the foundation needed for a solo assignment.

Denver Department of Safety (2010) Employment Denver Police Department Retrieved July 7, 2010 from

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