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Vawa Examples

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The purpose of the law is to serve as protection for individuals, however there are innumerable examples that make the purpose of the law questionable. The law has patterns of creating division between normalcy and reproducing “deviant” groups. For the most part, normalcy includes privileging the norm, which is judged from a very conservative perspective. Meanwhile, those who pertain to different racial backgrounds and have multiple intersectional identities such as people of color who identify under LGBTQ are attributed out-group labels. They are also pushed further away from having any participation in legal discourse and are excluded from the rest of society including groups who fight to embrace the acceptance of different identities within the law. These individuals are only pushed further away from having any participation in legal discourse. As a result the rule of law continues to privileges heteronormativity, and reproduce subordination of marginalized …show more content…
Although the latest revision of VAWA promotes more protection for women in the private and public spheres, Rivera suggests that there is still much work to be done. VAWA is one of the legal frames meant to protect women, but also one of the frameworks which continues to be a major obstacle for women of color because “it limits access to legal systems including the courts,..there are too few Latino, African American, and Asian officials in the legal system…also because of language barriers (356).” Additionally, VAWA now supports mandatory arrest law, in which both the aggressor and the victim are arrested. Thus, women of color in progressive states continue to remain “underserved” and not recognized as equally important as other beings, they are further deprived from protection and building any connection with the legal

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