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Vegetarianism Research Paper


Submitted By melissaf2150
Words 1678
Pages 7
“They are neglected, mutilated, genetically manipulated, put on drug regimens that cause chronic pain and crippling, transported through all weather extremes, and killed in gruesome and violent ways.” Who? The 16 billion animals killed every year in the United States to provide food for the meat-eaters in America. Even the free-rage animals that are supposedly treated with better care are often kill without any type of painkillers after being kept in dirty, disease-ridden sheds and being force to endure long trips to slaughterhouses without food and water. How can we stop this? Vegetarianism. Vegetarianism is a healthier, more beneficial lifestyle than non-vegetarianism because it is better for your health, the environment, and animal welfare. (“Animals”)
According to a recent poll 6 to 8 million American’s do not eat meat, fish, or poultry. From these people studies have been done about the affects of a vegetarian diet on the body. Compared to meat eater, vegetarians consume less saturated fat and cholesterol from not eating meat. This diet leads to better long term health. Research so far has shown that a vegetarian diet reduces the risk of heart disease. In recent years a study was done using 76,000 participants and the results showed that vegetarians were 25% less likely to die from a cardiac event such as a heart attack. This is because vegetarians tend to consume more high-fiber, whole grains, and legumes which have a low glycemic index and the body digests slowly. This keeps blood sugar levels steady. Another food item that helps reduce the risk of heart disease is walnuts. The omega-3s in walnuts help reduce total cholesterol and LDL cholesterol (“Becoming”).
Heart disease is not the only health factor to a vegetarian diet; studies have also shown that it can reduce the risk of certain cancer, like colon cancer, breast cancer and others. This

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