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Victorian Morality


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Pages 3
Victorian morality is a distillation of the moral views of people living at the time of Queen Victoria's reign (1837–1901) and of the moral climate of the United Kingdom throughout the 19th century in general, which contrasted greatly with the morality of the previous Georgian period. Victorian morality can describe any set of values that espouse sexual restraint, low tolerance of crime and a strict social code of conduct. Due to the prominence of the British Empire, many of these values were spread across the world.
The term "Victorian" was first used during The Great Exhibition in London (1851), where Victorian inventions and morals were shown to the world. The Victorian Age was a complex era characterized by stability, progress and social reforms, and, in the meantime, by great problems such as poverty, injustice and social unrest; that’s why the Victorians felt obliged to promote and invent a rigid code of values that reflected the world as they wanted it to be, based on: * duty and hard work; * respectability: a mixture of both morality and hypocrisy, severity and conformity to social standards (possessions of good manners, ownership of a comfortable house, regular attendance at church and charitable activity); it distinguished the middle from the lower classes; * charity and philanthropy: an activity that involved many people, especially women.
The family was strictly patriarchal: the husband represented the authority and respectability, consequently a single woman with a child was emarginated because of a wide-spread sense of female chastity. Sexuality was generally repressed and that led to extreme manifestations of prudery.
Colonialism was an important phenomenon and it led to a patriotism deeply influenced by ideas of racial superiority: British people thought that they were obeying to God by the imposition of their superior way of life.

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