Premium Essay

Violence and Children


Submitted By longmach
Words 2021
Pages 9
Truc Nguyen
Argumentative essay
Violence and Children
Do you want your children to have psychological problems, to be kept away from neighboring people, or even to become a criminal the rest of their life? In family, children always need love and care from their parents. Every parent always wants their children to become good citizens, to have a wonderful life in the future, so we always try to teach them the best thing we know. However, we always think that whatever we teach will help them in the future, so we want our children follow and obey us. In reality, there are many ways to teach our children, such as, giving them the freedom to discover or telling them what is wrong, and what is right. Nevertheless, there is a very common mistake about using violence to raise a child. It is wrong! Consequently, violent behaviors to children in any situation are absolutely unacceptable because of moral issue, psychological problems, and family relationship for our children.
Some families use violence to teach their children because they think a light spanking has more effects than a thousand lectures. Besides, they might think it’s just a light hurt to their children, doesn’t make them too pained or leave trace in their skin. They just want to make their children to be scared and to never repeat the mistake again. However, they are wrong because even thought the light spanking or light violent action doesn’t make the child hurt, it leaves many worse psychological effects for the children in the future. For example, in the article “The need for spanking”, Betsy Hart states that Elizabeth Gershoff, a well- known psychologist and a researcher from Columbia University's National Center for Children in Poverty, tells the story that if her child were running into streets with speeding cars, she might try her best to keep her child away from a

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