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War on Isis


Submitted By JesseDP92
Words 329
Pages 2
Unit 8 Project Part 4: First Final Draft
Jesse Perea
Ms. Minnis
February 26, 2015

The war against Isis! This is an on-going fight against terrorism that started this year but is this our fight we should be fighting? In my opinion, it isn’t our fight due to the fact that we are fighting for resources, not moral support of the Syrian and Iraqi government. This war is just a front for what the United States real agenda for being out in the Middle East. The real reason we are there is for the Fossil Fuel. American Lives and resources shouldn’t be risked for the United States greed.

The real reason we are there is for the Fossil Fuel or Oil. The Middle East has over eighty percent of the world’s supply of oil. Due to the fact that oil is used in everything from tires and gas to plastics and pesticides. So it’s essential for the industrial industries to have this resource for their business. Yet the Middle East has made regulations on foreign countries for their oil. These major companies hire lobbyists to pressure the congress on passing bills for the company’s needs.

United States has been in the Middle East for over the last thirty years. It first started when Iraq invaded Kuwait in 1990, so the U.N. and U.S. sent troops for their aide. Then in 2001 the United States was terrorized by a surprise attacked by the Afghanistan. Fourteen years later there been random attacks from a new group of terrorist called Isis.

So in total the last 30 years the US has lost over million american lives

Some would argue that were over there to make peace and protect the Middle East governments and people from the tyranny of the terrorists. Or that US involvement is to instill democratic ways for the Middle East. This is true, yet have we made progress by installing a free economy and

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