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Was Dropping The Atomic Bomb A Weapon Of War

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I agree with the decision of dropping the atomic bombs, little boy and fat man, on the two Japanese cities. The Japanese showed no signs of surrendering to us and if we went to their turf to have a massive fight, it would have resulted in massive casualties for both sides. But, dropping the two bombs gave them enough of a shock to surrender without any of American casualties. The atomic bombs being dropped on the Japanese was a tragedy for them, but a very strong American move.

The Americans dropping two atomic bombs on our towns of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The original one that was dropped on our first city was plenty enough force for us to get the message to surrender. We were not given enough time to give in a formal surrender and withdraw of World War 2. It was severe overkill to cause that much chaos and destruction to our home. …show more content…
President Truman later wrote that he, "regarded the bomb as a military weapon and never had any doubts that it should be used." Truman had full expectations on using this weapon of destruction to force the Japanese to surrender. It was a good military move for us

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