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Was Hamlet Really Crazy Essay

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I can see how some people would say that Hamlet is actually crazy. I can see that more so towards the end of the book than in the beginning. One part is when he stabbed Polonius when he was hiding behind the curtains. But Hamlet thought that Polonius was Claudius and when he noticed the he had actually killed the wrong person he didn't seem to care that much. He was just like whoops and wasn't really sorry about it. Then he hides Polonius’s body under the stairs in the lobby, that is very inhumane to treat someones body like it is just a piece of trash. He also wouldn't tell them where he hid the body he was just sending them on a wild goose chase it wasn't until he absolutely had to is when he told them where he hid it. I don't see how someone could do that with out a second thought it was like he was just throwing some thing away and it didn't mean …show more content…
For him to do that is incredibly disrespectful to her family. He didn't jump in because he was so sad over her death and didn't want her to leave him. He jumped in because he wanted to make it known that he loved her more than her brother which is impossible especially that Laertes had just lost his father and would do anything to keep his sister safe. Instead of showing people that he loved Ophelia he just showed them that he is a little insane. But with these things in mind I still don't think that he is insane because the facts of him being sane out way the couple of little insane things that he did. When he jumped into Ophelia’s grave I think that he did it out of emotion. He was just overwhelmed by her death even though he had been mean to her and he still had feelings for her. I think he just felt bad that she died when they were on a bad page and he never got to say he was sorry and get things back to normal between them and it just got to be to much and he had an emotional break

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