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Submitted By asodbnfsdf
Words 386
Pages 2
BTEC Level 3 National Diploma: Course Outline

Welcome to the sixth form and the Business Studies department! The qualification is structured into mandatory units (M) and your choice of optional units (O). The BTEC Level 3 National Diploma has four mandatory units and eight optional units to provide a total of 120 credits, which is equivalent to two GCE’s.
The Units you will be completing are as follows: Unit: | Name: | 1 | The Business Environment (M) | 2 | Business Resources (M) | 3 | Introduction to Marketing (M) | 4 | Business Communication (M) | 5 | Business Accounting (O) | 10 | Market Research in Business (O) | 12 | Internet Marketing in Business (O) | 13 | Recruitment and Selection in Business (O) | 15 | Development Planning for a Career in Business (O) | 16 | Human Resource Management in Business (O) | 29 | Understanding Retailing (O) | 36 | Starting a Small Business (O) |

Assessment and Grading:
In BTEC Nationals all units are internally assessed. All assessment for BTEC Nationals is criterion referenced, based on the achievement of specified learning outcomes. Each unit within the qualification has specified assessment and grading criteria which are to be used for grading purposes. A summative unit grade can be awarded at pass, merit or distinction: * To achieve a ‘pass’ a learner must have satisfied all the pass assessment criteria * To achieve a ‘merit’ a learner must additionally have satisfied all the merit grading criteria * To achieve a ‘distinction’ a learner must additionally have satisfied all the distinction grading criteria. * Learners who complete the unit but who do not meet all the pass criteria are graded ‘unclassified’.

How do I calculate my grade?

To calculate your final grade you must times your ‘Points per Credit’ x 10 and then

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