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We'Re Talking


Submitted By jlynn2099
Words 2760
Pages 12
We’re Talking
Judith Mullins
Marketing Management 522
Dr. James Hess
DeVry University

1.0 Executive Summary
The adolescent years can be very challenging for some teenagers and their families. We’re Talking is a nonprofit agency providing mentoring programs for young men and women in South Nashville in Davidson County. While adolescence can be an emotionally intense, stormy phase for virtually all teenagers, sometimes a teen's struggles require special intervention. Many teens struggle with issues related to mental health, family relationships, friends, school performance, substance abuse, sexuality, and other high-risk behaviors. (HelpStartsHere,2005) This program will form partnerships with local school districts, community centers, churches and the juvenile court systems. We’re Talking’s goal is to offer a sense of security to young people that will promote friendships, strong interpersonal skills, and reaffirm a sense of hope in the future. It is these through personal relationships that a sense of individual responsibility can be reestablished that will give the youth desire to follow through on a path to adulthood with a sense of pride and accomplishment (Palo Alto Medical Foundation, 2013).
2.0 Situation Analysis
We’re Talking was founded 15 months ago by three women who were looking to make a difference in the lives of young men and women. This company was created as a result to teach life and survival skills to disadvantaged youths in the community. As a mobile company, We’re Talking will search for different community sponsors that will donate the space for set up and group work with the youth. We’re Talking’s focus is to keep these individuals out of jails, prisons, and residential facilities. These individuals will have the opportunity to develop and grow into adults that will become productive in society. We’re Talking has gained

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