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We Should Wear Pants


Submitted By mambobad
Words 2470
Pages 10
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We Should Wear Pants
A pant refers to any cloth that is worn under/inside an individual’s outer clothes. Elizabeth Smith Miller was the first woman to discover an inner ware in 1851. She sought to come with a reformed system of women’s dressing code.Innerwares are of different categories and are meant to serve diverse purposes. For instance some men widely use shorts to serve as their undergarments. Other related undergarments that serve the same purpose as the pants include the t-shirts, vests and others. There are some contentions on whether the women specifically should wear pants. Christians argue that women are not supposed to wear men garment and men should not wear women garments either. The wearing of pants by women is opposed among some Christians in the society. Pants play different roles to different people depending on their perceptions.
Pants are normally used for their different roles such as providing warmth to the body (Rushton & Susie, p.4). In addition, they are used in absorbing dirt emanating from the body since they are in direct contact with the body. Pants therefore serve hygienic purposes, warmth as well as comfort. Good body aeration is achieved by wearing clean pants. Among some communities; they are used for religious purposes.
When it is worn to serve the purpose of hygiene, a pant normally helps to absorb dirt emanating from the body. This is helpful since the outer clothes cannot be dirtified. This allows individuals to use their outer clothes more than once. The quality pants especially those made of cotton are efficient in absorbing sweat released by the body. This will prevent the outer clothes that a person wears from being made dirty. Because of the improvement in technology, clothes for export are normally dyed to improve their quality. Doctors have proved

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