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Wealth Gap In The United States

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In my opinion the wealth gap in the United States are extremely unfair. I get it the wealthy are hard workers but also do middle class workers. Most economists say that inequality is needed to reward hard work, talent and innovation. I think in some areas especially when it comes to tax it needs to be distribute equally. Why is it that rich people are getting taxed much less and middle class workers are being tax everywhere but right. That concept within itself is backwards give us middle class workers a break. The government wants us as a people to spend more, well how can we do that when we are constantly struggling to make ends meet. Top one percent income earners are white collar jobs such as bankers, lawyers and doctors etc… but what about the blue collar ones like nurses, teachers and construction workers. They all serve a purpose just like the …show more content…
The wealthy has so many breaks I think they shouldn’t have all the tax breaks and in most instances they have more incentives. Their spending are lavish and they have savings, stocks and bonds and 401ks where to as the middle class we barely save a dime because we can’t afford anything because our earnings for the year is about 50,000 year. President Obama has made the issue priority and wants the government to reduce the disparities. He has managed to restore higher tax rates on above income that makes 398,000 a year. We need to higher the minium wage at least in the double digit because no one with a family can survive making 7.25 per hour. Walmart workers are struggle to pay their bills because of their pay rate and reports states most of their employees are on foodstamps . Walmart is a billion dollar company and they claim in order to pay their employees they will have to raise their food prices. The bottom line is wealthy keeps getting wealthy and poor just keeps getting

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