Free Essay

Week 2 Homework Hum111


Submitted By jdpruitt
Words 431
Pages 2
America’s dependency on foreign oil is a burden that all Americans should want depleted. Our great country has severed its ties of many foreign dependencies, by overcoming the technological short comings and elements. By doing so America has become one of the greatest countries on Earth. The shape our country is in since the recession, our duty is to provide means of cheaper and greener fuel sources. With the addition of new sustainable energy we could push the country out of the red and into a newer better world. The creation of new sciences and methods will create new jobs, with healthier work environments. Picture in your mind a world where there are no more carbon emissions, a better world where our children have never seen medical cases like Black Lung. Even carbon monoxide poisoning and ever raising fuel prices could be terms that we have only heard of in history books. America’s children have the chance to become the people I just described if we push forward with developing our cleaner, greener energy plan. Arguably, this is a big step for our country to take and with the ability to drill more offshore wells we have a great chance to grow and have something to fall back on in times of distress. More oil is not the answer to Americas growing problem. The real tragedy will be our children not being able to purchase fuel for the car ride to take their own children to school. The ability to live free from other countries’ control comes from making difficult choices. Our founding fathers had to make a similar choice when we went to war with England to earn our country’s free rights. Wouldn’t have George Washington chose to keep the ability of America to remain free from outsiders reign? The ability to choose what our citizens depend upon should be kept for the right for our citizens to choose. Our country has the ability and resources to become free once again and to become reliant upon our own countrymen and companies for our energy needs. With America’s great scientists and renown abilities, why should we let this opportunity to grow pass us by? The time to be released from the shackles and chains of foreign oil companies is upon us. It is now that we should grab the bull by the horns and let the eagles fly. This country wasn’t built by men who were afraid of forward thinking. With the growth of greener more sustainable energy our country can become truly free.

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