Premium Essay

What Are You Talking About


Submitted By luma0306
Words 463
Pages 2
"Ethics in Organizational Behavior" Please respond to the following:
The decision to terminate an employee requires more information than what is given. The overall culture of the attitude towards the employee, how they interact, fit in, encourage or discourage their co-workers, and the overall dynamic of their presence in the organization. By keeping the more motivated employees, that usually is comprised of the younger generation of the employee pool
• Considering I have to answer the question I will provide explanations for both being “let go.” If the company is looking to keep young energetic employees, and might be planning on moving into a new office style in the future they have to let go of Mary. If the company is not planning on changing their office style they have to let go Sarah. Keep in mind they both have strong attributes to bring to the table. Sarah is trying to prove herself by stepping up to volunteer her services, but she is young and may find something more appealing to her and leave anyway. Maybe Sarah finds a job in San Diego she is young and energetic, she may move away. Then the company is finding itself having to rehire. Mary will be there for the long haul, she has family very steady employee at mid-40s.
So like I said in first paragraph, I would need more information in order to make a decision. •From the scenario, determine the level of emphasis that organizations should place on ensuring that layoff decisions are ethical and legal. Propose ways for organizations to achieve the goal of ethical and legal layoffs.
An organization needs to have policies written by lawyers and upper management in order to not have a layoff or firing backfire. For example, some companies have a “zero tolerance” policy enacted for no smoking on the premises. If a person goes outside has a cigarette, the company has the right to fire that

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4-7 There is no rebuttal for the first affirmative speaker. 1 8. I am going to discuss .... points ARGUMENTS
9. My first point is (Write down your first point/argument.) 10. This is because/the reason for this is (Explain the reason that supports your point.) 11. Now to my second point (Write down your second point.) 12. This is because (Write down a reason that supports and explains your second point/argument.) If you have some more points, continue to list them. ENDING
13. So Mr/Madam Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen, in conclusion (Finish you debate with a sentence that sums up what your team believes. You can use humour or a quote or you may say ‘thank you’ to finish.) Created by Debating SA 2007. Visit us at First Negative Speaker Template INTRODUCTION

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