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“What Can I Gain by Having an Education?”


Submitted By hope21996
Words 322
Pages 2
Hope Harrelson
English 100 A84
Instructor: Duval
“What can I gain by having an education?”

Gaining an education can enhance your life as an act of defiance and assertion of power. As we all know going to school isn’t always for everybody, but you decide what you want to do. As for Sherman Alexie, (author of “Superman and Me”), he described his life as an Indian boy living on the Spokane Indian Reserve in eastern Washington state and how reading and writing greatly affected his life. As an Indian child, the he was expected to fail. But although failure is what was expected of him, Alexie refused to do so. He wanted to make his point, that his culture was able to get an education and value reading. Now he teaches creative writing to Indian children and has many students described as students who are “trying to save their lives”. Therefore having this quote, “I refused to fail. I was smart. I was arrogant. I was lucky”. (p. 91). (Alexie, 83-91) inspired me to take on this challenge in life. An education in law provides me with skills, knowledge, perseverance, and wisdom. It allows me to open my heart and mind to helping others; it enhances my understanding of how the world really works; it provides the possibilities for growth and joy in my life. Education challenges me to become a dedicated, productive, and relevant member of my American society. I decided to attend midlands technical college for an education in some kind of law to gain a greater life. A year ago my life took a huge turn and change for what I say was for the better; when many don’t agree. Coming from a young twenty year old woman, who’s been abused physically landing a horrible place because I was defending my life. Thankfully, it changed my life or I wouldn’t be doing what I’m doing here

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