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What Does Atticus Symbolize In To Kill A Mockingbird

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Reading To Kill A Mockingbird by Harper Lee, there are many scenes and events that show who symbolize the “mockingbird”. A mockingbird, according to Atticus Finch, is simply someone or something that is perfectly innocent and does no harm to anyone. Being a mockingbird is something very powerful in this era just because it is during the Great Depression and segregation. In the book, Atticus says “shoot all the bluejays you want if you can hit em, but remember it’s a sin to kill a mockingbird” (119). Atticus is pointing out that killing an innocent is wrong. I think that in a sense, the mockingbird symbolizes the innocent and the innocence in people. Although there are many mockingbirds that can count in this novel, I have carefully analyzed the material and chose Atticus Finch and Tom Robinson as my two “mockingbirds”.
I chose Atticus Finch as my first mockingbird because he is the one who got chosen to defend Tom in his trial. Although he got chosen to do his job, he actually tried to save Tom which showed a lot of courage in this time. Atticus truly put forth all his effort in defending Tom even though before he took on this trial, he knew that they would not win. He still tried. For Atticus trying, …show more content…
I chose him because he was the one accused of raping Mayella Ewell, when truly he did nothing wrong and was still punished. I find Tom definitely a mockingbird because during his trial, Tom explains that he would always help Mayella around the house for free because he felt sorry for her. He said that it seemed as if no one else was willing to help her and he was just trying to be polite and doing the right thing. Tom was accused of raping a white woman, when it was really Mayella who came upon Tom. Although Tom knew that he was innocent, he knew that the moment Mayella screamed, he was a dead man. People wanted to kill Tom just because it was said that he, a man of color, raped a white woman when really he did

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