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What Does Scout Learn In To Kill A Mockingbird

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In Harper Lee’s To Kill A Mockingbird, there are many lessons that each character learns throughout the novel. Scout, the main character, learns the most from many different experiences she is able to witness. Although Scout’s formal schooling is disappointing, she learns many valuable lessons from real life.
Scout learns many valuable lessons based on things that she and other characters in the novel get to experience. For example, in the novel, Scout and Jem get air-rifles, yet Atticus will not teach them how to shoot them. This leads to Miss Maudie explaining that their father said “Mockingbirds don’t do one thing but make music for us to enjoy...they don’t do one thing but sing their hearts out for us. That’s why it’s a sin to kill a …show more content…
Along with that, in the novel when Mayella accuses Tom of rape, Scout gets to see how that quote also relates. All Tom was doing was helping Mayella and doing nothing wrong, but she did wrong by him for making that allegation towards him. Later in the novel, Scout learns another lesson when she asks Atticus if she can just not go back to school because of her days misfortunes. When he says, “...You never really know a person until you consider things from his point of view…”(30). This quote Scout might not have understood at the time but as time goes on she is able to relate it to many things. Like to Boo Radley, and how she didn’t understand why he acted so quiet yet he helped them. Even though, in the whole novel they didn’t realize the kindness they were getting, like the gifts in the tree, were from him, in the end from Boo’s point of view it becomes clear. Scout it able to try to understand people's mindset before judging them, like with Dolphus Raymond. The whole town thinks he is a drunk and that he doesn’t change his ways because of it, but Dill and Scout realize that he’s not. By putting themselves in his shoes, they can see that he is just living the way he wants

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