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What Is the Basic Liberal Argument in Support of Globalization


Submitted By usmanalee
Words 304
Pages 2
The basic liberal argument in support of globalization is that it is the most efficient way of going about organizing production by producing what the consumer wants. The liberal argument show that openness in trade and capital flows can lead to higher growth and standard living. Thus it should help poorer countries to gain access to markets in developed countries Some of the limitation of this argument is that it may not promote fairness between countries.
“International economic integration, on the liberal view, is what happens when technology allows people to pursue their own goals and they are given the liberty to do so. If technology advances to the point where it supports trade across borders, and if people then choose to trade across borders, you have integration, and because people have freely chosen it this is a good thing. Also, again because people have freely chosenthis course, you would expect there to be economic benefits as well” (Cook, 2001).“All kinds of qualifications and elaborations are needed to fill out the argument properly. The liberal case for globalization is emphatically not the case for domestic or international lassie faire. Liberalism lays down no certainties about the requirements of social justice in terms of income redistribution or the extent of the welfare state. It recognizes that markets have their limits, for instance in tending to the supply of public goods (such as a clean environment). A liberal outlook is consistent with support for a wide range of government interventions; indeed a liberal outlook demands many such interventions. For the most part government and business leaders are not liberals. Perhaps it goes with the job that politicians of left and right, traditional and modern, have an exaggerated view of their ability to improve on the spontaneous order of a lightly governed society” (Cook,

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