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What Is The Function Of Society In Fahrenheit 451

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“If they give you lined paper, write the other way” (Juan Ramon Jimenez). In Ray Bradbury’s dystopian novel, Fahrenheit 451, their society functions very differently than the society we live in. The dissimilarities and similarities between the societies are the views and treatment of books, the obligations and job requirements of firemen and how the youth functions.

“All I have learned, I learned from books” (Abraham Lincoln). In our current society, books are valued and are presented as a helpful, educational tool as well as a pleasurable, recreational activity. Books are accessible by not only students with school libraries but by all members of society. In a recent survey, 95% of people said that public libraries provide and promote literacy skills and a love of reading. Books are a crucial part of our society, they inform us, they make us feel and help us understand our world and ourselves. Books in our current society are praised and are a common household item, …show more content…
In both societies firemen are important however the job obligations are extremely dissimilar. In both societies, firefighters are essential to the function of society. Since books are illegal in 451’s society, firefighters are necessary to destroy any books. Without firefighters, who would put out our house fires and save countless families? Although there are similarities between the two societies, the biggest difference is that Fahrenheit 451’s firefighters start fires, while our civilization’s firefighters terminate fires. In the novel, Montag and the rest of his crew burn down an entire house because it contained books. “’Kerosene!’ They pumped the cold fluid from the numeraled 451 tanks strapped to their shoulders. They coated each book, they pumped rooms full of it” (Bradbury 35). As a result of this, firemen became book-burners and not fire-stoppers like they still are in today’s

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