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What Is The Role Of Globalization In The Us Today

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As a society Americans have always believed that they live in a land free for opportunities, and where you can do anything you set your mind to in a business manner. This can range from people owning small businesses that are owned by themselves all the way to huge corporations. If you have an idea and the money you can almost be guaranteed an open opportunity to open your own business. In the year 1995 it was said that there was a total of 22.5 million independent enterprises, and as of today there accounts to be a total of almost 29 million.
Although there are many small and medium sized business corporations in the US today bigger business corporations play the largest roles in the economy today. The main reason for this is because bigger corporations tend to bring in more money to the economy. People are more likely to buy from a bigger brand that they trust versus a smaller corporation. For example, when people are out buying groceries they are more likely to go to somewhere they are familiar with such as Walmart because they can be assured they are getting the best price and quality on a good. Also fast food chains, such as McDonalds would be a prime example of this, if someone is visiting another country and want to feel more at home they would choose to stop at a place like this …show more content…
Globalization can best be described as an increased interaction between worldwide companies due to advancements in technology, communication, and transportation. Globalization is said to increase free trade which increases economic growth in the US. Globalization also provides for less fortunate countries and gives them the chance to prosper economically. Globalization enables goods to be produced in different parts of the world making it cheaper to buy, and provides the US with more products, this also makes consumers of the products happier because they are able to spend less on products and end up saving

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