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When Did Haymitch Teach Katniss And Peeta

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Have you ever wondered if Haymitch was qualified enough to teach Katniss and Peeta? Well he is. Many people disagree with me because they only see Haymitch’s flaws. They only see how he was drunk most the time and how he was rude to them. But the people forget how Haymitch won a game before. He knows what he’s doing. He also genuinely cares for them both. Haymitch is a good mentor because he trained Katniss and Peeta mentally, gave them a “star crossed lover” profile, and made sure that they used skills they are good at, at the right times. Haymitch trained Katniss and Peeta mentally by giving them tips to stay alive. But of course in the beginning he acted horrible to Katniss and Peeta but then helped them to try and outsmart the other tributes just like he did when he won. Haymitch would say stuff to them to keep them on edge about the games. One of the things he said were “The impression you give tomorrow will decide exactly what I can get you in terms of sponsors.” He said this to Katniss a day before her interview so she could think and prepare herself mentally about what she was going to do. This is just one of the three reasons why Haymitch is a good mentor. The next reason is that he gave them a “star crossed …show more content…
Haymitch even told them, “Save what you’re best at until your private sessions.” He said this so the other tributes wouldn’t know what Katniss and Peeta were capable of when they were training. It would leave them shocked. He even made it very clear that they should use their talents in the battlefield only. He did this so when Katniss and Peeta fought other tributes, the tributes would be surprised because they obviously wouldn't have known their secret talents. That right there was a great idea that Haymitch had. This concludes how Haymitch made sure that Katniss and Peeta did what they needed to at the right

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