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Which Ethanol Absorbs The Most Heat

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Which Substance Absorbs The Most Heat?
The purpose of this investigation was to determine which materials absorbed more heat in the given amount of time. The hypothesis was that if aluminum, lead, zinc, water, and ethanol were heated, then ethanol will absorb the most heat because it’s boiling point is lower (70°C) than the rest of the materials. This investigation was valuable because it creates further understanding in the way thermal energy works for different substances.
A hot plate was heated at 85°C. A beaker filled halfway with water is placed on the hot plate, and then was heated up to about 70°C. 5 g of the substance was then inserted into a test tube and then was put in the heated water bath with a thermometer …show more content…
It was predicted that if a substance heated up the fastest, then that substance absorbed the most heat. The experiment showed that zinc heated up the fastest, resulting in zinc absorbing the most heat. But since then, it is now understood that the substance that heats up the fastest is not the same as the substance which absorbs the most heat. The substance which absorbs the most heat is lead. Lead has a higher heat capacity, hence why the difference of temperature in 5 minutes is so low compared to others. This experiment is valuable because it is now known that thermal energy works differently for different substances. The level of absorption varies for different substances.
Procedure Evaluation
The results shown in the table is an average of 2 trials. It was expected that the temperatures would be close but instead, the temperatures for both experiments had quite a gap between them. This is because the temperature of the water bath was not consistent for both experiments. Instead of focusing on the hot plate being consistent, it should have been the water bath’s, since this is the source of heat for the substances in the test tube. This would have made results much more consistent and closely

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