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Who Is Holy


Submitted By larjri01
Words 336
Pages 2
I believe that a person’s religious views should not affect treatment of others because it does not make someone better than others or give them the right to judge someone else. I do not think it is a bad thing to discuss different religions amongst each other but to push someone’s religion on others is not acceptable. Everyone has the right to choose what they believe in. Any religion should aide in helping people to live the right way and being kind to people around them. We all need to have some faith that there is a higher power watching over us but not act as though one person is better than the other.
In my opinion, the “humble generosity” described in column 2 does not exist in today’s world as it used to. People are so involved and busy in their own lives that they forget to stop and look around to reach out and help others that are in need of help. Unfortunately, with the economy as it has been lately, people do not feel that they have any monies left over to donate as it seems it used to be. The Salvation Army and United Way are great causes to donate to but again because of the economical situation people have endured, the donations have lessened greatly for each of these organizations.
To talk about this story in modern times, I think of my daughter’s Girl Scout troop. This year during the holidays, the girls volunteered their time to help out at a local shelter by redecorating a room used by the children that are staying there with their parents, making it brighter and raised the money to buy new things for the children to play with. None of the girls in the troop have ever witnessed this in their own homes so this was a real eye opener for them. We live in a middle class community so in actuality, none of the girls have gone without.

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