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Who Is Indoctrinated In Ayn Rand's Anthem

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Pages 3
In Ayn Rand’s Anthem, people are indoctrinated in a utopian society, the oppressive dictatorship that society has been ruled by has never seen much hostility. This is about to change because people have free will and free thought. People have not known that life could be different. But one person, Equality 7-2521, wishes for himself instead of following the collective ideology. This frightens him at first so he hides his thoughts from others. He has heard stories of torture, and even witnessed this at the young age of 10, and reports of imprisonment at the Palace of Corrective Detention. Equality is a hero that discovers the glitch in the matrix. Being a coward is about to change, all because of free will. Living under an oppressive government is like living as a soulless, mindless robot. …show more content…
Over the years, people are reminded of the disaster that happened during the “Unmentionable Times”. People are afraid, they may not want history to repeat itself. The government has such authoritarian rule over the people, society cannot even thing think for themselves. They never think of themselves in singular terms, but only in group thought. Society, by government standards, must be obedient. It is the only way the World Council can have complete and utter control. Equality discovers a place he can call his own. This is a place where he can have space to think, to learn, and discover that individualism is not so bad. He needs to hide his real self, but the problem is when he thinks for himself, it makes him happy. The government assumes emotions cannot be involved because emotions are

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