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Who Is Responsible For Edgar Allan Poe's Death

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Romantic poet Edgar Allan Poe is widely known for his terrifying and mysterious novels and poems. Born on January 19, 1809, Poe soon became a brilliant writer. His tales produced the modern detective story and many of his works, including “The Tell-Tale Heart”, became literary classics. "The Raven," which Poe released in 1845, is considered among the most popular poems in American literature. Edgar Allan Poe left a large imprint on the period of romanticism and inspired musicians as well as writers across the country.
Poe's unique short stories and poems sparked imagination and interest in readers around the world. His storytelling led to advances in literature; this caused others to start calling him “Father of the Detective Story”. Mystery did not show in just his poems, but also in his personal …show more content…
His health began to deteriorate after the death of his final wife, Virginia, in 1847. He also struggled with his money management. In September of 1849, he was supposed to be headed to Philadelphia, but instead he was found in Maryland in an awful emotional state. He ended up passing away at Washington College Hospital on October 7, 1849. Doctors stated that Poe died of congestion of the brain, and there were many theories surrounding as to what caused his death; some of the theories thrown out were epilepsy, carbon monoxide poisoning, and rabies. After his death, Poe’s writing began getting criticized by a nemesis of his by the name of Rufus Griswold. Griswold called Poe everything in the book, including a drunk and a womanizer. He also wrote Poe’s initial biography; this helped educate the public on what they wrongly believed about Poe. Although he never became rich, Poe is still one of the country’s most memorable writers. His poems are as captivating today to readers as they were over one hundred years ago. Full of creativity and imagination, Poe wrote tales and poems that still surprise readers of this

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