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Why Abortion Laws Should Be Changed for Teens


Submitted By xmomma06
Words 1061
Pages 5
Teens and the outcome based on the laws on minors and abortion

If you had a teenage daughter, how would you feel if she came home and said she was pregnant? Many teens fear to bring home a bad report card, getting in trouble at school, or even bringing home the boyfriend. Although, these are reasonable fears, the fear of telling your parents you’re pregnant at 13 is greater. Often the answer to teenage pregnancy is abortion, or illegal abortion. In many states, abortion is difficult to receive without parental consent. The laws that state this make it harder on the pregnant teen and unborn baby. If teen abortion was allowed without parental consent, there would be a lower mortality rate of teen moms and babies. Sadly, the age of sexually active teens lowers each year. When there is an unplanned pregnancy, teens are scared, and unsure as what to do. When abortion is considered it is a choice normally influenced by where she lives, beliefs, friends, fear of telling parents, abuse, if there are any places for teens to go for pregnancy, and even situations involving the pregnancy. Abortion is a tough subject for many. I myself do not believe in having an abortion, but that does not mean I’m against others in having the choice. There are places teens can go to get help in whatever they decide to do. Planned Parenthood Federation of America is one place that teens can go to and get the advice and help with whatever choice they may make. This is their statement on abortion, “We believe that everyone has the right to choose when or whether to have a child, and that every child should be wanted and loved.” They help the teens to make safe decisions without including the parents. However, there are those who are not aware of the P. P facilities. These young girls may be left to make wrong and unsafe choices. 34 states require some form of parental consent for a

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