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Why Did America Enter Ww2

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The United States of America entered WW2 in 1941, directing their campaign from Australia as they began to perceive threats from Japan (2). Concluding 1942, Brisbane was the support and training base for the Pacific war (2).

Military personnel from America started arriving in Brisbane. Accommodation requirements for the insignificant number of troops was effortlessly managed by simply leasing rooms within numerous hotels, guest houses, and rooms within private residences, around the central Brisbane district (5).

This solution was rapidly obsolete as troops poured into the city. Approximately 100,000 US troops were stationed around the city between 1942 and 1945 (1 & 3). Australia’s divisions returned to Brisbane from the Middle East during …show more content…
The sites were established on large blocks of land that were close to the CBD, tram lines and generally, adjacent working facilities; An excellent example being Camp Ascot. This camp was the first campsite to be set up in Brisbane, realized by the council offering Eagle Farm race course to the US Army. The convoy had to accommodate 4,600 personnel and so, this location was offered, primarily due size of the open field and proximity to Brett’s Wharf, where the convoy arrived. Eagle Farm race course was an important recreational facility in Brisbane. Americans were not permitted to impair the site, therefore the campsite remained a tented city, with only a few temporary pre-fabricated buildings (5). Victoria Park was similarly, offered to the US Army to set up Camp, partially due to its desirable large open field. It too was handed over with strict rules, conditioned by the fact it had to be given back to council with no damages or altercations. The sites close proximity to the CBD and Normanby rail yards made it a prime spot for the troops, and so, a campsite was set up with prefabricated huts spread throughout the …show more content…
New Farm Park, and Waterloo Hotel were also development sites for barracks. The United States Navy leased these sites to accommodate their officers, and after the arrival of US Forces, The Kelvin Grove Defence Reserve gained barracks, along with Camp Bulimba, which comprised of 47 barracks accommodating officers.

Private accommodation was generally only offered to high ranking officers. General Douglas MacArthur for example, was provided private accommodation on the top floor of the Lennon’s Hotel. This hotel was known to frequently accommodate celebrities as it was remarkably stylish, with state-of-the-art novelties, ornate cast iron and reputational service (5). The waterloo hotel was another inner-city location leased by the US Navy to accommodate their officers, while the US Army leased Luna Park in Bowen Hills and the ‘Broomham’ Residences in Boondall for junior Army officers to share, whom were associated with nearby military

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