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Why Do I Make Less Than My Male Co-Stars?

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Nowadays, it seems difficult for individuals to live life simply, doing what they truly want to do with their lives. Emerson states in his writing of “Self-Reliance” that, “These are the voices which we hear in solitude, but they grow faint and inaudible as we enter into the world” (Emerson). Emerson realized as the world begins to modernize that we are trying to tell ourselves something that we want to truly do, but that true desire seems to grow faint when the “needs”, and “necessities” of our duties in the world tend to kick in. In Thoreau’s “Walden” he states, “Men think that it is essential that the Nation have commerce, and export ice, and talk through a telegraph, and ride thirty miles an hour, without a doubt, whether they do or not; …show more content…
Many women that try to go against a big corporation regarding unfair actions involving men have often ended up losing their jobs, and facing consequences. Women have faced consequences for what they believe is right and unfair! It takes a lot of strength and confidence to fight for equal pay because it is such a diverse and opinionated topic. After expressing her belief, Lawrence experienced bad and good press, which is another factor of the difficulty behind expressing her thoughts. Many individuals attacked that fact that she is already getting paid millions of dollars, why does she need more? That was not Lawrence's point, she doesn’t want the extra pay for herself, but the recognition of every woman worker that is getting different pay than …show more content…
The barrier may be simple, but when you are trying continuously to impress people close to you, being true to yourself will not even cross your mind. I have struggled to find what I personally want to do in my life. I often base many of my decisions on making other people proud. My authentic life without the worry of society would be a lot less stressful. Expectations, society, and age are the main obstacles that stop me from accomplishing my true desires. Lawrence reassures me that it not impossible to be true to yourself. If you want something it is important that you fight for what you want and believe in. In order for myself to try and accomplish an authentic life, the stress that I face trying to impress close individuals needs to be broken. Will this be easy? Nothing is easy in life, in order to break this feeling it takes strength, just what Lawrence used. Lawrence showed me that it takes confidence and strength, and it might not be easy, especially with factors that threaten as an

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