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Why Do Students Have Dress Codes

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Remember as a kid when you thought that all the dress code rules were ridiculous and outrageous, well it turns out you might be right. All over America dress codes are being egregious with discrimination between female and male students, and we need to do something about it. The dress code is being more focused on the girls instead of on them equally. They’re letting male students get away with breaking the dress code while the female students are being called out and punished for wearing what they want. They’re making it harder for people to buy formal wear and regular clothes for school or formals and prom. One of the things about the school rules is that they are restricting the students’ rights to express themselves through their hair and clothes. While students are trying to stay up to date with the latest fashions they are being ridiculed for what they want to wear. Students would be sent home to change which is taking up valuable class time. With the fashions being jeans with holes in them, crop tops, cutouts, etc. the students are trying to wear what they think is in fashion or what they want to wear to express themselves. They are being told to go home and wear something that expresses somebody who isn’t them. …show more content…
The girls are being dress coded for wearing tank tops while the boys walk by wearing anything they want and get away with it. I and many others have observed that the dress code is being more directed towards girls then towards both genders equally. In my middle school years I have only seen a boy be ‘dress coded’ by him having to take his hood off. Even when the boy was dress coded he was told to put his hood down with no repercussions at all. While boys go around wearing cut off shirts, if us females wore a cut off we would be sent to the office and told to go home to change. The staff and the dress code has been biased towards females for as long as I can

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