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Why Do Young People Have A Power Of Attorney

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A lot of young people in their 20s and 30s don’t have a Power of Attorney (POA). If anything were to happen to them, many in this age group think their families automatically have the right to make decisions for them. However, that is not the case. When Power of Attorney is absent, the courts dictate what happens to the individual’s property and who is allowed to make decisions for that person.

Young people often forget that no one is guaranteed tomorrow and that unexpected accidents can leave a person incapable of making his own decisions. That’s why POA documents are so important to have regardless of age. They outline what the individual wants to happen and who they want to take control in the event of such a situation.

There are two kinds of POA, both of which involve appointing someone as a surrogate decision maker. Power of Attorney for Property details what an …show more content…
Here are a few.

Religion, Culture, and Values Influence Choices

A POA for Personal Care document informs the guardian about an individual’s culture, religion, and personal values and explains how those factors should be taken into consideration. For example, a person who adopts a certain diet because of religious beliefs may want that to continue when he can’t make that decision for himself. Personal values may also determine what products are to be used, such as in the case of a vegan who wants to avoid products that come from animals.

Access a Spouse’s Bank Account

When a person becomes mentally incapable, not all banks will allow his or her spouse to access a personal bank account without a Power of Attorney document stating that it’s all right. Simply being married is often not enough. Most cases will require documentation proving that the spouse is the individual’s legal guardian. If a POA for Property does not exist, this means the matter will likely have to go to court and it could take a long time to straighten

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