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Why Dogs Get Eye Boogers

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We all have wondered why dogs get eye boogers and what the cause is behind these really weird and gross things our dogs eyes produce on a daily. Well I will tell you research was not the easy but I think I have the basics of what goes on with these eye boogers.

In most breeds it is a very common thing to have eye boogers or runny eyes, such as dogs with a lot more fluff on them. Also cocker spaniels, bulldogs, west highland white terriers, and shih tzus . The dogs could also have allergies. Wait!! Allergies? Yes, allergies. Dogs can have allergies, the allergies also make your dog's skin itchy. Some dogs have more discharge than others because some have allergies just like some humans have allergies but not all do,allergies also cause …show more content…
Their inner eyelids shouldn’t be visible, there should be no tear, cut, or squinting. If you pull down lightly on your dog’s lower lids they should be pink, not red or white. Keep hair out of their eyes. Keep irritants out of their eyes such as shampoos and flea medicines. Also keep an eye out for pawing or rubbing of the eyes.
WHY DOGS HAVE A THIRD EYELID The third eyelid is called a haw. There are 4 functions to the third eyelid. It acts like a windshield wiper. As it does clean off the dirt and debris. Also the gland in the third eyelid makes up to one third of the dogs tears. Produces antibiotics that fight infection in the doggos eyeballs. And it protects the cornea from damage. Birds, cats, fish, reptiles, and camels also have this third eyelid that protects their eyes and keep them moist from the drying wind, sand, or dirt without them having to blink.
Dogs are not color blind. They just can’t see color as vividly as we can.
A german shepherd guide dog lead his blind owner the entire 2100 mile Appalachian

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