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Why I Chose Social Work

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Difficult circumstances and fear have been the pinnacle of my existence over the past few years. Numerous things happened in my life that made it extremely hard for me to continue with my education. Unable to attend school because of financial reasons, I settled to working full time. Six years have passed since I graduated high school, and because of the resources available to me, I am now able to get a college degree and become the first person in my family to earn one. Currently, I am a freshman majoring in Computer Science. I am incredibly passionate about social work. Recently, I was fortunate enough to have been a Tutor Coordinator for School on Wheels in Southern California. As a tutor coordinator and oversaw the activities of roughly fifty tutors, and oversaw recruiting and training new volunteers. Moreover, my duties also included supervising children on school trips, and recruiting students from numerous areas within Downtown Los Angeles. School on Wheels is a non-profit organization, and it provides academic tutoring to children living in shelters, motels, cars, group foster homes and on the streets in Southern California. It provides homeless students stability in a time of stress and transition, and helps them achieve educational success so that they may break the cycle of …show more content…
I have always had a passion in business, and was on the DECA team and created business plans since I was a junior in high school. Moreover, I was also on entrepreneurship and created my own business. Consequently, I was able to take numerous career exams and that enabled me to venture into numerous career fields. One result surprised me, I had an incredibly high level of management skills, which made me think about the various possibilities in the near future. I am not so thrilled about taking future Business classes, but I know I will learn numerous skills and resources from

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