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Why Is Texting While Walking Should Be Banned

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Should Texting While Walking Be Banned?

SCREECH!! You might not think texting while walking is distracting, or the reason people are getting hurt, but it is. Texting while walking should be banned for safety and behavior reasons. People’s behavior will adjust by not being on their phones as much, there will not be as much injuries every year, but phones are helpful in lots of ways. Texting while walking should be banned to change people’s behavior and reduce accidents.

Behavior Changing
If there is a law, people’s behavior will change. Hopefully, people will stop being on their phones every road they walk on. According to Could You Become a Mean Meme?, “A typical teen sends more than 200 texts a week and spends 45 hours a week in front of a screen.” This evidence supports the claim because people are on their phones so much, as in more than 29 texts a day, that they are …show more content…
It could help book a plane, walk to the nearest park, even call Dr. Exley about Suzy’s ear infection. According to Should Distracted Walking Be Illegal?, “Aren’t smartphones great? People can use them to look at Rihanna GIFs during meetings, bathroom breaks, flights across the country, walks through the urban metropolis in blissful ignorance of the surrounding vastness of human life, wherever!” This evidence supports the claim because it shows how people can do lots of things with cell phones. Also, say someone is walking to work on their phone and the babysitter texts asking what time to put the baby down for a nap. The parent has to have their phone at that time to text back. Some people’s cell phones are their everything! They use it to call/text people, work, and transport. According to Mr. Canepa, who loves his phone but agrees that people can get seriously hurt while walking on the streets, “There is chaos in the crosswalks...I know it’s an issue. I’ve lived it. However, texting while walking should be banned because of safety and

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