Premium Essay

Why Time Management Is Important


Submitted By siddiqansari
Words 1603
Pages 7
Why Time management is important???? “REMEMBER THAT TIME IS MONEY” (BEN FRANKLIN)

To work effectively you really have to manage your time. "Time is money". That statement alone probably convinced 50 percent of the population as to why time management is important! For the rest, the benefits are multiple and the relation with time management might not be as obvious for people whom haven't yet experienced it themselves. Time management is important because it is an irreplaceable resource. Each second that becomes part of your past will never be part of your present or future ever again. Using each second, minute and hour of the day wisely is important.
In a business time is money and every hour you spend at work costs your employer a lot of money it is not just the salary that the employer needs to pay out, there is also heating lighting telephone costs training etc for the employees to be at work at that time.
For the individuals, good time management skills usually mean that the employee feels more in control of their workload

Poor Time Management is usually shown by:
• Getting less done than you expected.
• An inability to meet deadlines set by your line manager
• Not knowing what to do or how to start
• Meetings going no longer than expected
• Talking on too much work in the first place because you feel you have to say yes and help others
• Putting off start this is known as procrastination
Poor time management
Poor time management affects every part of your life. Many people convince themselves that they are effective time managers because their diary is full. They are constantly rushing from one place to another, and they feel that they are incredibly busy. Having a full diary does not mean that you are managing your time correctly; it

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