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William Wilberforce Narrative Report

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Date: 13th March, 1803.
Place: London.

My name is William Wilberforce and I am from England. I am a big part of the English political system and I am also a Philanthropist . In my home, I have had the pleasure of meeting George Whitefield, who was a great evangelist, like me, and John Newton, who had previously converted from a life of slave trading, and ultimately wrote the hymn 'Amazing Grace'1. In 1779, I moved to London where I later became friends with William Pitt1. We both got into politics where I was elected to Parliament in 17801. After serving in the government for a number of years, I decided to retire, however I was persuaded by my friends John Newton and William Pitt to stay1. I remained in the Parliament but after a long period …show more content…
From my religious beliefs, I am confident in the golden rule, so I substantially believe that everyone should regulate his conduct and that we should do onto others as we would have them do unto us . With is in mind, I could not believe that my fellow Christian brothers have been a part of the slave trade which was making the Africans and Indians inferior to them and still claim to be devoted Christians. I believe, if to be feelingly alive to the sufferings of my fellow creatures is to be a fanatic; I am the most incurable fanatic ever permitted to be at large . Because of this belief, I have been an avid member of the slavery abolition movement. Years have passed since I have been pushing to pass this bill in the Parliament to no avail. However, I am very dedicated to this cause and as such I am persistent in this endeavor, fully determined to end the slave trade. With this goal in my sights, I had been searching for the perfect bit of supporting evidence to aid my case. This is when I realized that in order for me to convince my colleagues of the horrors that slavery bares, I will need first-hand knowledge and experiences. This is why I decided to visit the

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