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Would You Rather...


Submitted By ashleygrossman
Words 319
Pages 2
Ashley Grossman
Ms. Lynne Schoonover
AP English 11
1 September 2014
Would You Rather…
I would prefer to have the mind-blowing ability to fly whenever I want than be invisible. From an early age, most young children look to the sky where the birds and airplanes roam, dreaming of one day being able to do just that. I imagine the experience to be liberating and the perfect way to become stress-free. The crisp, fresh air massaging against your face would feel incredibly soothing. I would imagine it to be even more relaxing when you would not have to deal with traffic jams anymore. If you stop driving your car because you can fly, you will also save a great deal of money on gas, which also means that the amount of pollution and reliance on foreign oil would drastically decrease. On the other hand, the kids that would rather be invisible, I deem to be potentially sneaky and deceitful. The only reason why children would want to be invisible is so they could sneak around and get away with acts they otherwise would not. They would go behind their parents’ backs to get that cookie they were not supposed to consume. Were any of you deprived of sweets as a kid? In the end, no matter what you creep around to do, you will eventually get caught. Some might think they have the desire to spy on others, but in reality, if they hear what people really have to say about them, they would wish they could fly right out of there. Therefore, being invisible simply just gets you into trouble. There is one other reason why people might want to become invisible: they are not pleased with the way they look. This is disheartening, and this opens up an entire new and serious set of issues. I do not think this is a difficult

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