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Young Adults


Submitted By renamo
Words 590
Pages 3
Rena Moffett


SP 180 Principles of Public Speaking

Assignment 7_07

April 19, 2016

What I See As the Biggest Challenges Young Adults Face Today

The general purpose is to inform everyone my view on the biggest challenges young adults face

today. The specific purpose is to persuade young adults to make better choices in life. Because of

the challenges young adults face today; I feel that you adults have to better them by

learning from their mistakes and the mistakes our elders has made.


How many young adults will like higher paying jobs? One of the challenges young adults

face today is education. Young adults lack a bit of education, because I know I have. So many

young adults lack career skills and knowledge. Many young adults have no clue about budgeting. In the world we live in today, we need education. A lot of young adults are


stereotyped so let’s prove them wrong with good education. Education may not be the key to

happiness, but it definitely is the key to a lot of other things which come together to make us

happy. Learning the importance of an education can help motivate you to learn and achieve great

things. Body

You have to have a good education to make it in life. A direct effect of education is knowledge

gained. Knowledge is power. Education is a must for a promising and secure future and a stable

life. Education is to

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