Premium Essay



Submitted By aldrin2894
Words 1735
Pages 7
Leading Means Inspiring - A manager should strive to become an inspiration to the rest of the employees. Employees will follow a manager because the manager is the boss. However, a manager that is an inspiration means that employees follow that person because they believe in what the manager is doing and they are trying to help the company achieve its goals. Finding ways to inspire employees means coaching them and motivating them to succeed as integral parts of the company.

What is Leading
A good leader inspires employees, boosts morale and encourages effective communication among employees. Excellent leadership can even increase the organization's income.

How Leaders Influence Others
Influential leadership styles
The message is getting through that ‘command and control' leadership is obsolete. A different leadership style, one that depends on influencing others rather than ‘telling', is required to deal with current market complexities and fast-paced environmental changes.
Traditional leadership worked well in less turbulent times where companies ran on simple departmental lines - and the CEO had time to think and plan with other executives. Communication was straight-forward, markets were predictable and people delivered consistently. But few businesses run this way. Many, Nokia being a prime example, are fluid networks where power no longer comes with the position you hold but through your ability to influence others to act. BP, once a traditional organisation, now has many network overlays where people interact with peers to get things done.
Our environment influences us to some extent but we are influenced directly by colleagues. We rarely think or act in isolation at work - we influence, and are influenced by, what our colleagues say and do.

Leadership means influencing the things that matter
We expect leaders to emphasise what is

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