Bernie Ebber

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    Financial Accounting Assignment

    books, With an intention to inflate the worth of company's assets or profits, When a company is actually operating at a loss. The major reason behind the occurrence of accounting fraud at WorldCom Telecommunication company, The CEO of the company Ebbers focused largely on being the No.1 stock on Wall Street rather than capture market share or being global. This has led to creation of a pressure among the top management to meet the most important performance indicator Expense-to-Revenue(E/R) ratio

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    Assignment 3

    Mark Willis BUS 508 – Contemporary Bus November 15, 2013 Determine the most important five skills that a forensic accountant needs to possess and evaluate the need for each skill. Be sure to include discussion regarding the relationship between the skill and its application to business operations. As the annual price tag for fraud at American business soars to nearly $1 trillion, the demand for Certified Public Accountants that provide forensic accounting services has increased exponentially-

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    employees to abide by. This is the underlying issue that eventually led to the demise and bankruptcy of Worldcom. As a leader, you are expected to lead by example and set your organization up for long term success. When CEO of Worldcom, Bernard Ebbers, was told about an internal effort, from with Worldcom, to create a corporate code of conduct, he stated that the project was a, “colossal waste of time” (Kaplan & Kiron, 2007, p. 3). It’s clear that the organizational culture within Worldcom was

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    long-distance phone lines at deeply discounted rates. LLDS (Long Distance Discount Services) provided services to those regions where well-established companies, such as MCI and Sprint, had very little presence. At an early stage of the company, Bernard J. Ebbers, was given the charge to run the show. He firmly believed in inorganic growth and focused company’s strategy on acquisitions. Acquiring small long-distance companies with limited geographic service areas and consolidating third-tier long distance

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    Worldcom: David Meyers As A Victim

    Accounting is a profession that is vulnerable to ridicule because of the faith it requires from clients. When an accountant makes an error, he not only damages his own reputation but also impacts thousands of other people as well. WorldCom’s downfall began with one accountant who made an entry he knew was wrong and the result spread to the entire company of innocent bystanders. David Meyers’ false entry destroyed a company, but he was guilty only of being a victim of his circumstances. He was an

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    department of Justice and the European Union stepped in and didn’t want this to happen, for this merge had the possibility of creating a monopoly. Bernard Ebbers was the CEO of WorldCom at the time, he became very wealth with WorldCom common stock. Without the merge of Sprint, WorldCom Stock started to decrease over time, and the banks were pressuring Ebbers and he had to cover margin calls on his WorldCom stock that was used to finance other business like (timber, yachting.) From 1999 through 2002 Scott

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    Sec Investigation of Worldcom

    Imagine working for a company that provides everything you need financially from an employer, good benefits, decent salary and stock options that make other companies within the industry jealous. How many other middle managers in the industry can claim a net worth of over one million dollars? During WorldCom’s highest point, some of the middle managers could honestly make such a claim because they had so much stock and the price seemed to just keep going up and up. The stock splits, and because of

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    Effects of Auditing Standard

    Effects of Auditing Standards Business auditors are a valuable and much needed method of making sure that business and corporations operate within the law. Auditing businesses is the best method to determine if a business is keeping their methods legitimate and that they are not doing anything illegal such as falsifying profit reports. Standards for all manner of businesses from the small store to the international multi-million dollar industry are getting higher and frankly, this is a change that

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    for all long-distance carriers The LDDS started with 650 thousands, accumulated 1.5 million in debt, the company lacked the technical expertise to handle the accounts of large companies that had complex switching systems. Ebber lacked technology experience Ebber focused young firm on internal growth, acquiring small long-distance company to gain larger shares. LDDS grew rapidly through acquisitions across the American South and West and expanded internationally through acquisitions in

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    Examining a Business Failure

    afloat, it was too late to reverse the damage. History WorldCom Inc. was developed by Murray Waldron and William Rector in 1983 by planning to create a discount long-distance provider named LDDS (Pandey & Verma, 2004). Then in 1985 Bernard Ebbers became CEO of LDDS, in which by 1989 it merged with Advantage Companies, Inc, and then in 1992 it merged with Advanced Telecommunications Corp. With these two mergers WorldCom Inc. grew into a large company with in the US and globally as well (Pandey

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