Christian Wordview

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    Christianity and Homosexuals

    of attitudes toward homosexuality could exist within the Christian religious tradition. Answer: It is interesting that homosexuality, for centuries, has been such a controversial topic. Like sexuality, homosexuality results from a combination of hereditary factors along with social and environmental influences. While attitudes toward homosexuality are generally in flux, whether due to political activism or not, it seems that Jewish, Christian, and Muslim cultures view it as sinful. Nevertheless, in

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    Church Planting

    Romans 16:17-20 HOW TO HANDLE TROUBLEMAKERS IN THE CHURCH Introduction: Ever since the church was formed, it has been plagued by troublemakers. These people have desired to either see the church destroyed, or to see it shaped to their own will. This should not have been a surprise. After all, Jesus Himself predicted the rise of troublemakers in the church, Matt. 7:15, "Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves." Even in the early days

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    John the Baptist Prepares the Way 1 ( what good news?)The beginning of the good news about Jesus the Messiah, the Son of God, 2 as it is written in Isaiah the prophet: “I will send my messenger ahead of you, who will prepare your way” 3 “a voice of one calling in the wilderness, ‘Prepare the way for the Lord, make straight paths for him.’”(is this the good news?, what does it mean by sending a messenger is it john?) 4 And so John the Baptist appeared in the wilderness, preaching a baptism of repentance

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    Lds General Conference

    Things I Learned In General Conference: Saturday, March 31st 2012 Boye K. Packer Children should only have two parents: A mother, and a father. Life is always worth the effort. Life is not always easy. Jesus said: “Suffer the little children to come to me.” Family time is important and should be respected. Amen. Cheryl A. Esplin The Lord instructs

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    Women's Role in the Church

    talks about at lest five duties and obligations of the elder. They stated on Questions?org “ The elders help to settle disputes in the church”. While Paul and Barnabas were at Antioch of Syria, some men from Judea arrived and began to teach the Christians ‘unless you keep the ancient Jewish custom of circumcision taught by Moses, you cannot be saved.’ Paul and Barnabas, disagreeing with them, argued forcefully and at length. Finally, Paul and Barnabas were sent to Jerusalem, accompanished by some

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    Comparison Between Religions

    Comparison between Orthodoxy, Protestantism & Roman Catholicism: The table below aims to given an outline of some of the key issues in Christian belief and how the three traditions view these issues. I have tried to state what might be called the 'representative' view of each tradition; though there are obviously differing views within each of them e.g. the diverse range of opinions on the presence of Christ in the Eucharist. The links under the More information section should be consulted for

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    Pastors and Ministers

    The Roles of Pastors and Ministers in the Church In a church ministry we must all be balanced. Remember that we are partners’ not just members in the church body as a whole. Also remembering that no matter what our religion of choice is that pastors and ministers both have valuable roles in the church. Pastors and ministers are partners in the purpose and calling of the church. They must both be on the same page as far as the vision, mission and well being of the church as a whole. Even though

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    Biblical View of the Church

    Biblical View of the Church The Church was birthed in Jerusalem on the Day of Pentecost after receiving the promised Holy Spirit. The book of Acts describes the beginning as well as the characteristics of the risen Christ newborn church (Acts 2:42-47). During this time, the Good News of Jesus Christ was proclaimed initially to Jews in Jerusalem and later spread to Gentiles throughout the Roman Empire. Since Jews and Gentiles were God’s “called out ones”, their mutual hostility was transformed

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    Sample Memo

    The spaces, while sacred are also violated numerous times and in some instances by the people who have held them sacred. In the beginning of the movie we see Romero in the church full of people celebrating his promotion to Archbishop, specifically the president elect, and some from the military. Later we see the same people turning on the Church and blaming it for the deaths and turmoil. Additionally, the occupation of the church by the National Guard is an excellent example of a violation of the

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    A Nice One

    One day in Sir Ryan’s Theology class Yes sir, May I know how the Church started? Class, do you have any questions about our discussion? The Christian Church actually started on the Day of Pentecost (50 days after the Passover during which Jesus was crucified). It was at this time that Peter gave his great sermon, and in response, "about 3,000 souls were added to them [the apostles]" (Acts 2:41). This group of believers was first called "the church" in Acts 2:47, as "God added to the church

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