Cognitive Dissonance Paper

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    Cognitive Dissonance

    Cognitive Dissonance Cognitive Dissonance Consistency, the absence of contradictions, has sometimes been called the hallmark of ethics. Ethics is supposed to provide an individual with a guide for moral living, and to do so it must be rational, and to be rational it must be free of contradictions. When consistency and ethics are compromised, this is known as cognitive dissonance. Leon Festinger shared his brilliance with the world when he created the Cognitive Dissonance theory

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    Psychologist are in a better position to meet the goals of psychology (describe, explain, predict and influence) when they know the attitude of people. COMPONENT OF ATTITUDE Attitude have been seen as having three dimensions which include A. Cognitive: this represents belief, thought and expectation held about the object of ones attitude. B. Affective or emotional: this reflects feelings or emotional reactions. And can also said to be part of an attitude encompassing how one feels about the

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    Social Norms

    Violating Social Norms I. Social Norm Violated Society today is shaped by norms and customs that we as humans abide by. Many norms are followed without opinion or realization that it is being done. Norms are unwritten but traditionally followed. One norm that is an understood rule is how one should behave in an elevator. For instance, it is proper to face front, stand with a respectable distance away from the person next to you, to look forward, and not stare. Being polite is acceptable with

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    An Examination of Festingers Cognitive Dissonance Theory and Notable Modifactions

    An Examination of Festingers Cognitive Dissonance Theory and Notable Modifications Sometimes the greatest test of a theory is its longevity. Over time, some theories will be disproved, some will be modified, and some will become the basis for a whole new group of theories. Leon Festinger’s theory of cognitive dissonance has stood up to challenge for over forty years, and is considered by many to be the single most important theory of social psychology. Though there have been modifications

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    Organizational Theory and Behavior Final

    tomorrow things may appear quite a bit different. Equity theory is based on cognitive dissonance theory (where two contradictory ideas are held simultaneously resulting in feelings of discomfort) developed by social psychologist Leon Festinge. When a person feels that they are being treated unfairly, when they perceive that their work is rewarded differently when compared with others, they experience a form of cognitive dissonance. The theory suggests that he/she will take corrective action in order

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    Case Study: Magrec, Inc.

    Chapter 4 Case Magrec, Inc. 1. Place yourself in the role of the manger. What should you do now? After considering what happened, would you change any of your behaviors? I would indicate a genuine desire to work through the matter. Then I would express the need to come to an understanding and agreement of working together as a team from now and forward. After meeting with Dinah, I would thank her for bringing the Partco matter to my attention. Next thing I would do is express how I truly respect

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    Sandusky Scandal

    role model for young people. Tavris and Aronson state in their book, Mistakes Were Made But Not By Me, “Because most people have a reasonably positive self-concept, believing themselves to be competent, moral, and smart, their efforts at reducing dissonance will be designed to preserve their positive self-images” (29). With Sandusky being put in a light as such an overall good person it was hard for individuals to think that he could do something so appalling. Leon Festinger, a social psychologist

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    Critical Issue Statement The issue in the MagRec case study is Dinah called Partco directly to report the problem she found from several years ago because MagRec did not notify Partco and Dinah believes in the mission and values of MagRec in providing the best heads. 1. What should you do now? After considering what happened, would you change any of your behaviors? I would probably take a breather and follow the 24 hour rule allowing the emotions to settle. I would then request another meeting

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    Is Poverty Really A Personal Issue? Gabriela Rubio Santa Ana College October 1, 2015 Throughout history poverty does not cease to exist. It has been a problem and still is a problem as the years go by. When we come to think about those people in poverty it easy for us to blame the ones it for not wanting to change and better their lives. In my opinion it is more than just a personal problem; it is a societal conflict. As I stated poverty is a conflict and the role it plays in the book and

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    Cognitive Dissonance Examples

    Cognitive dissonance is the realization of contradictions in one’s own attitude and behavior. A type of cognitive dissonance is the change of thought. An example can be smoking cigarettes but then you realize that smoking is not bad for you. You can also change your behavior by not smoking anymore because it is unhealthy and knows it can harm your lungs. Sometimes you can add a thought, you know that smoking is bad and you some a lot by on the other hand you can tell yourself that you healthy and

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