Cognitive Psych

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    Concepts and Prototypes

    to be like. A concept is typically associated with a corresponding representation in a language or symbology; however, some concepts do not have a linguistic representation. The meaning of "concept" is explored in mainstream information science, cognitive science, metaphysics, and philosophy of the mind. A prototype on the other hand, is an early sample or model built to test a concept or process or to act as a thing to be replicated or learned from. Prototype is a term used in a variety of contexts

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    Behavioural Finance

    there are many instances where emotion and psychology influence our decisions, causing us to behave in unpredictable or irrational ways. Asians in general suffer from cognitive biases, more so than Westerners, often being viewed as ‘Gamblers. Behavioral finance is a relatively new field that seeks to combine behavioral and cognitive psychological theory with conventional economics and finance to provide explanations for why people make irrational financial decisions .It calls for investigation into

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    Summary of the Main Conclusions Drawn by Zimbardo Regarding the Stanford Prison Experiment.

    The results of the experiment have been argued to demonstrate the impressionability and obedience of people when provided with a legitimising ideology and social and institutional support. The experiment has also been used to illustrate cognitive dissonance theory and the power of authority. The results of the experiment favour situational attribution of behaviour rather than dispositional attribution. In other words, it seemed that the situation, rather than their individual personalities, caused

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    The Role of Anchoring Bias in the Equity Market

    observed and verified ex-post. Not surprisingly, the activities of analysts have been a fertile ground for behavioral research. Prior studies have shown that analysts often suffer from a number of biases. However, the implications of these potential cognitive biases for investors and, even more so for managers, are less understood. This study considers the behavior of financial market participants from a perspective different from that of previous research. It focuses on anchoring bias, a topic that

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    MGMT 3720 Assignment #2 This is a case about an experienced ski instructor named Miranda. She seems to have developed a perception of her new boss is that he might be sexist. She feels that he might be overlooking more qualified female instructors for men. Perception is a process by which individuals organize and interpret their sensory impressions in order to give meaning to their environment. (Robbins & Judge, 2013) I will be discussing Miranda’s perception of her boss and the factors that

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    Cognitive Dissonance

    My 30 minute trial - Nuremberg style... In opening, let me state quite unreservedly that I eat and use animal products without compunction. Over the years I have thought about my moral stance on these matters and happily come to the informed conclusion that my consumption and use of animal products sits with my moral values and vice versa. The interview began quite innocuously. As the interview continued I was questioned about my consumption of animal product, then asked if had any companion animals

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    The Absorbent Mind

    The Absorbent Mind The Absorbent Mind I decided to do my report on The Absorbent Mind written by Maria Montessori. This book is about the mental powers of a child from birth to age six. Dr. Montessori believes that if a child is properly educated by unlocking their mental ability than the world can overcome things such as war. The book explains how a child from birth to age six with obstruction and without teaching surpasses all living things. Dr. Montessori says that a child cannot be taught

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    Partner Baggage

    Candance Cochran Heather Coley University of Kentucky Abstract In the following, partner baggage and the contributing factors will be discussed. These factors are the equity theory, attachment styles, when to reveal and when to conceal, and the cognitive dissonance theory. These factors play a very big role in relationship baggage and they are all discussed extensively through many scholarly articles. The following articles illustrate the research done on the topic of partner baggage as it pertains

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    The Eating Habits and Academic Performance of the Hrm Students

    its population. Various studies have provided enough evidence ofthe importance of proper nutrition to the cognitive development of anindividual which also affects their education achievements. Bur till date,the pathway as to how nutrition develops or hinders academicachievement is still not very clear. It has been established that poorhealth and malnutrition in early childhood may affect cognitive abilities.This study looks into the effect of nutritional on college students in NorthTripura district

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    Reflective Report

    Reflective Report: An analysis of Everest Simulations | Evaluating experiences | Joey Lai z3332966 | Executive Summary: This report is a reflection of the experiences of the two Everest Simulations, examining and analysing the individual’s actions and their role and the impact it has on the group. The discussion then incorporates theories of communication, leadership and organisational structure to compare and critically analyse the results of the simulations and determine the overall success

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