Compensation Package

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    Hrm 530 Assignment 3 Dismissal Meeting

    that may accompany an employee layoff. 2. Describe a step-by-step process of conducting the dismissal meeting.   3. Determine the compensation that the fictitious company may provide to the separated employee. 4. Using Microsoft Word or an equivalent such as OpenOffice, create a chart that depicts the timeline of the disbursement of the compensation.  5. Predict three (3) ways that this layoff may affect the company. 6. Use at least three (3) quality academic resources in this

    Words: 1472 - Pages: 6

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    Strategic Human Resource Management

    Week 6 Activity 3 Tracy Oliver Course # May 16, 2014 Dr. Richmond Managers have a very complex and tough job when it comes to being a good leader and managing your team effective. However, the job gets even more difficult when a manager has to perform reduction in workforce (RIF) or what is more commonly known as layoffs. Managers have to cope with negative emotions that come with this process as well as the stress that the remaining employees often go through after many of their co-workers

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    Innovative Compensation Practices

    Innovative Compensation Practices One of the determining factors in choosing an employer is the value of their compensation, or benefits packages. There is an increasing need for specialized benefits to meet our society’s changing needs. Our Nation’s increasingly diverse workforce requires more variety in benefit choices to meet the growing demands of their employees. The Basic Compensation Package In the beginning, companies would offer a basic benefit package to its employees. This package was

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    Hr 530 Training Class

    as soon as the manager receives word that there may be one in works. This will give the employee a jump start on looking and preparing for their finances and job skills and resume updates. Also if possible grant the employee a generous severance package which could provide economic benefits that reflects management’s compassion and understanding of the impact of the termination. Although the trend is for companies to offer less in severance payments, 93 percent of them require employees to sign releases

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    reason to lay-off Sarah Boyd is the automation of the Dispatch department which has caused her skills to be redundant. The management is not able to find another position across the company where her skills could be put to use. If a proper severance package is worked and agreed upon. There should be no issues that could arise from this lay-off. If Sarah Boyd is laid-off because she is 53 years old and cannot perform her job because of her physical strength, agility reflexes, hearing and vision are

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    Dismissel Meeting

    may accompany employee layoffs. Describing a process of conducting the dismissal meeting. Determining a fictitious company and the result of firing an employee. We will create a chart that shows and depicts the timeline of the disbursement of the compensation, and last but not least predicting ways that a layoff may affect the company. Ways managers can cope with employee layoffs One way managers cope with dealing with a layoff would be to explain the decision, tell the worker why layoffs were

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    Dear Teletext Holidays, Re: Unsatisfactory Holiday at Gran Canairia on 07 November 2015 - 14 November 2015 Booking ref: TT305421 I have just returned from a holiday at Gran Canairia with my Mother, Aunty and 2 friends, which was most disappointing. Please find below a list of our complaints: 1, When booking the holiday with teletext holidays the telephone operative made several mistakes and repeatedly informed us that we must have all information correct or we would be charged £100

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    Employee Conflict Management

    Employee Conflict Management Reductions in force are not a pleasant situation for the employees of a company. I discovered through this simulation that reductions in force are not pleasant for the employer either. Being told a certain number of people have to be laid off presents a problem. People who have good productivity, attendance, and “wow” factors are those that a company wants to keep. However, the company has to consider discrimination when conducting layoffs. What may seem like a good

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    Mismanaged Layoffs

    the workers that are left behind, is the real issue at hand. The aggressiveness or empathy levels of the situation never help. Larger companies have a better finesse about the separations from the company it is well planned with severance packages for the employees. No Matter how well planned it is still a shock to the system. Including all that is involved families and so forth. The fact is that there is no great way to separate anyone from their position. However, we all had our

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    The Awoke

    Tadiwa Njagu Professor Lewis HRM530 8\10\2015 Within any company, managers must be reminded that the focus of a layoff is not on the actual individual being released, but rather on the position itself. The layoff decision is made based on the needs of the company and the position. If the individual is not fulfilling the position or if the position is no longer necessary, the company must make the decision to let the person go. With this perspective, managers can prevent as many negative emotions

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