Jane Austen

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    English Author

    An English author widely read in the nineteen-hundreds, was Jane Austen. Although Austen’s works were widely read and popular in her lifetime, she published her works anonymously. All of her books are mainly about of her bright, young heroines in courtship and finally marriage, even though Austen herself never married. Her best-known books include PRIDE AND PREJUDICE. Virginia Woolf, a renown critic in Austen’s time called Austen "the most perfect artist among women." Austen’s position as part of

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    Term Paper

    Sept 3, 2014 The Merchant of Venice The Merchant of Venice is a play written by Shakespeare, the most influential writer in history. The Merchant of Venice is about a variety of relationships: “Father-daughter; husband-wife; male friends; female friends; money lender-borrower; and Christian-Jew.” The relationship explored in this essay is the father-daughter relationship of Shylock and Jessica. Shylock is a Jewish moneylender in Venice, and he is so immersed in the business that he neglects his

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    Pride and Prejudice

    the novel, Jane Austen criticizes British society and social expectations of the 19th century. Austen does this by her use of satire in her portrayal of her characters and in multiple situations. Her use of satire is to challenge the way things were in that time. Specific characters are the opposite of what they should be. However, some are just as they should be, and Austen pokes fun at them. The use of this sarcasm and irony is present throughout the novel. A common theme Austen is trying to

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    Pride and Prejudice Reinforce or Erode Sexist Stereotypes of Women?

    Are women the weaker sex and in need of constant care? Jane Austen wrote Pride and Prejudice at the end of 18th century, in a time when women were considered to be weak and without options. Many literary scholars seem to agree that in her writing Austen tries to define her personal concept of feminism and she critiques the patriarchal, social, and marriage structures of her time. Pride and Prejudice portrays a male dominated society, in which women are expected to behave in ‘lady-like’ ways

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    Film Review

    Deborah Moggach (from the novel by Jane Austen) | Cast: | Keira Knightley, Matthew MacFadyen, Brenda Blethyn, Donald Sutherland, Jena Malone, Judi Dench, Tom Hollander, Rosamund Pike, Talulah Riley, Penelope Wilton, Simon Woods | Studio: | Focus Features | Film REVIEW Pride & Prejudice  Film „Pride and Prejudice” was directed by Joe Wright in 2005 based on the Jane Austen novel of the same name. (It was originally titled „First Impression”. However, Austen found the title „Pride and Prejudice” more

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    Pride and Prejudice

    Dale Ballance Kearnon Kanne ENGL 1001, Assignment 4 February 20, 2015 Upon reading Pride and Prejudice, by Jane Austin, I believe the novel reinforces sexist stereotypes of women. One of the things that really struck me was the desire the women had to find themselves a husband. A husband who was wealthy was at the utmost importance for most of the women. A woman could talk bad of another woman in hopes of deterring a man of his interest in a particular woman as to give them a better opportunity

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    and Prejudice was published in 1993 by Wordsworth Editions Limited. Jane Austen is the author and the genre of the novel is Historical/Romance. The book looks at Mr. Darcy and changing his personality, which characters remain static through the book, what Jane Austen is trying to say about the period of time the novel is set in and why Jane Austen has so many characters that stay the same all through the book. Why does Jane Austen have so many static characters? Well there may well be many answers

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    Such norms and values are shown in a multitude of ways throughout Pride and Prejudice. There are norms associated with most every aspect of society, including the norms for class, money, gender, and marriage most commonly explored in Austen’s novels. Austen shows society’s values both through satire and through presenting what she considers to be the better alternative. The society of Austen’s time no doubt differs from today in many ways; however, when the actual values of society are closely examined

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    Erin Coutts Professor Buck Jane Austen Pop Culture 7 October, 2015 Understanding Jane Austen It truly amazes me how the novel Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen and the rewrite of Pride and Prejudice by Seth Grahame-Smith can encompass the exact same story plot, yet still be different in so many ways. Jane Austen’s original book is a romantic drama that describes the difficulties faced when dealing with love and family. Her style of writing focuses on language and verbiage. Alternatively, Seth

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    Love Is Pure Like You

    Jane Austen uniquely depicts the functions of love and marriage as themes in Pride and Prejudice through valorization and vilification of Nuptial dynamics that existed in her English society. Marriage emphasizes the spiritual or religious bond established by the union of a man and woman. Love is deemed a powerful attachment created by tenderness, devotion and loyalty. Pride and Prejudice, an exceptional Comedy of manners was written in England, between 1796 and 1797, during Age of reason and Published

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