Salem Witch Trials

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    Why Is It Important To Have A Good Reputation In The Crucible

    accusations are false. This leads to the question of whether a good name is more important than the truth. It is no secret that a person’s name holds great weight in the town of Salem. The importance of a name can be seen in the characters’ dialogues. Reverend Parris, Abigail’s uncle, is constantly fretting about how the people of Salem view him. He tells Abigail, “Abigail, I have fought here three long years to bend these stiff-necked people to me, and now, just now when some good respect is rising for

    Words: 613 - Pages: 3

  • Premium Essay

    Differences Between The Crucible Play And Movie

    I believe the movie is better than the scripted play and Arthur Miller’s original text of The Crucible. In my opinion, the movie is a lot easier to understand than the two other versions. I also believe that the movie was a lot more accurate than the scripted play. The actors in the movie had more accurate accents, clothing, and their all around look was closer to what it was actually like back in 1692. Finally, I feel that the movie version was historically more accurate. First, I believe the movie

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    Chillingworth's Responsibility In The Scarlet Letter By Nathaniel Hawthorne

    What happens when passion is conflicted with responsibility? In Nathaniel Hawthorne’s, The Scarlet Letter, the antagonist is faced with an obstacle between revenge for the protagonist and his duties for the town, as a doctor. Hawthorne uses Roger Chillingworth’s deceptive relationships to illustrate how sin conquers and corrupts an individual. In addition Chillingworth’s vengeful passion overcomes his responsibilities for Hester Prynne and Reverend Arthur Dimmesdale throughout the novel. When

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  • Premium Essay

    How Does Arthur Miller Create Tension In Act 2 Of The Crucible

    Warren then enters into the house saying that fourteen people have been put in jail and will be hung if they do not confess to witchcraft. John admits that he knows that Abigail and the rest of the girls are faking and Elizabeth says he must go into Salem and tell the court that he knows the truth. John hesitates because he will have to confess about the affair if

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  • Premium Essay

    How Does John Proctor Change In The Crucible

    Unconditional John Proctor, the protagonist of Arthur Miller’s The Crucible, risks everything due to loving two different women. As the play starts readers find out that John is having an affair with the town tart, Abigail Williams. He does not believe in the idea of witchcraft. Proctor is very selfish about the affair with Abigail and states to judge Danforth “A man will not cast away his good name. You surely know that.” Many things motivate John to change throughout The Crucible such as Abigail

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  • Premium Essay

    Compare And Contrast Abigail And Elizabeth In The Crucible

    The Crucible took place in the summer of 1692 in Salem, Massachusetts. In this time frame the trails of witchcraft were evident around different towns. Arthur Miller wrote a story about the young girls in the community in Salem. In Act I of The Crucible Miller writes about Abigail Williams and makes reference to Elizabeth Proctor. These two women are total opposites in many ways. Abigail is a young girl who is demanding and needs to always be in control, while Elizabeth is a wife, mother to three

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  • Premium Essay

    The Theme Of Reputation In The Crucible By Arthur Miller

    Preserving one’s reputation is a prevalent theme in The Crucible. Several of the characters are concerned about their reputations. Do you think a good name is more important than the truth? I think that the truth is more important because honesty is, im my opinion, the best quality. If you lie just to save your reputation, people may find out and then you would have a reputation for being a liar. If you tell the truth and people know that it is the truth, then you will have a reputation for being

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  • Premium Essay

    Crucible Reverend Hale Quotes

    in Arthur Miller’s play The Crucible, whose actions and inactions greatly impact the lives of the other characters. In Act I, Reverend Hale appears and acts very haughtily. He believes he knows everything about witches and that he is the savior of Salem. For instance, when he says, “Here is all the invisible world, caught, defined, and calculated… Here are all your familiar spirits - your incubi and succubi… Have no fear now - we shall find him out and I mean to crush him utterly if he has shown his

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  • Premium Essay

    Rebecca Nurse's Beliefs In The Crucible By Arthur Miller

    never catch it by running after it, you must stand still…”(Miller 22). Through her quote she hints at how through her values she believes no devil touched this kid. While no one believed her she stuck to her value of god and that the devil is not in Salem.

    Words: 464 - Pages: 2

  • Premium Essay

    The Crucible Movie Vs Play Analysis

    Plays and novels these days constantly have movie remakes. The Crucible by Arthur Miller had a film produced for it in 1996 which was forty-four years after the play was written. The film itself is extremely similar to the play besides the fact that minor changes occurred. Between the film and the play, there are slight differences made by the screenwriters and the playwright himself. For example in the play, it states that John Proctor “goes directly to her and grabs her by the cloak…” John Proctor

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