The Pro And Cons Of Legalizing Marijuana

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    The pros of legalizing marijuana Effects on law enforcement. -It allows law enforcement to focus on more serious crimes rather than marijuana. - By legalizing marijuana it gives more occupancy in prisons for serious cases. -The youth will be delinquency of marijuana if they try to steal it. If it is legalized the requirement age limit will be of 21. -Smoking and driving will not be allowed and will receive punishment for it. -Those that are purchasing marijuana will be entered in system

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    Legalization of Marijuana

    The legalization of marijuana has been one of the most highly debated topics of today’s society. It has the potential to be both beneficial and harmful to mankind as a whole; however, the pros of legalization far outweigh the cons. The most common argument against marijuana is that if it were to be legalized that it could have adverse health effects, especially when used in large doses; but any substance can be harmful if not taken in moderation. Why are substances such as tobacco and alcohol

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    The Huffington Post | By Matt Ferner Cons of Legalizing Marijuana One of the most commonly cited negative consequences of legalizing marijuana is the physical risks of the drug, both to those using it and to bystanders. Research has shown that marijuana can increase the likelihood of schizophrenia, mainly if the individual started smoking before the age of 18. There are also the health risks associated with smoking, including second-hand smoke for non-consumers, and the probability that driving

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    Energy Independence

    Many people argue that marijuana is a mind-altering, dangerous 22, and should remain illegal. This hasty generalization is not correct. Marijuana has many beneficial attributes,18 therefore28 it should be legalized. Marijuana used for health benefits. The applications of Marijuana. Marijuana as a stress reliever. Marijuana increase sick patients appetite. Medical marijuana can improve patients quality of life. Marijuana allows patients to maintain nutrition Marijuanas impact on the United States

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    Training Plan

    The Pros of Medical Marijuana  The human body naturally makes its own form of cannabinoids that can modulate pain. THC-An abbreviation for delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol, THC is the main component responsible for marijuana's mind-altering effect. It also may help treat signs and symptoms such as nausea and vomiting that are associated with a number of medical conditions. Cannabinol and cannabidiol-These compounds have some of the properties of THC, but cause less psychoactive effects — the

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    Policy Brief Final Assignment

    August 11, 2014 Abstract: Marijuana legalization has been a controversial topic requiring a public policy solution in the political realm. There have been various arguments made for and against the legalization of marijuana. There are several states that have legalized marijuana use for medicinal purposes while others have let their guards down completely allowing citizens to use it not only medicinally, but recreationally as well. While the use of marijuana is still illegal at the federal

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    Outline: Should Marijuana be Legalized? Introduction History of Marijuana (Raymond) Describe the History of the Drug Marijuana. References: Cohen, M. (2012, 12 08). Marijuana legalization and states rights. The New York Times. Retrieved from Committee on Substance Abuse and Committee on Adolescence, . (2004, 6). Legalization of Marijuana: Potential Impact on Youth . Pediatrics, 113(6), 1825

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    Odegaard English 1A 4 October 2011 Legalizing Marijuana “Memory is the enemy of wonder, which abides nowhere else but in the present… ordinarily we think of drug experiences as additive- it’s often said that drugs “distort” normal perceptions” (Pollan 168). When the word Marijuana is said, many negative thoughts pop into one’s head. Do you ever stop and think of the positive ways marijuana can be used; as opposed to the danger in using the plant? Today, marijuana and other drugs are the main reason

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    Should Medical Marijuana Be Legalized

    Should Medical Marijuana be legalized? Matthew Witkowski BCOM/275 10NOV2014 Lynda Sohl Should Medical Marijuana Be Legalized? The legalization of medical marijuana is a sensitive subject both politically and individually. There have been many field tests and trials validating marijuana as an aid to help various medical conditions from cancer to traumatic brain injuries. My argument has little to do with the

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  • Premium Essay

    Legalizing Marijuana

    Legalizing Marijuana in the United States There is major controversy about legalizing marijuana. There are many pros and cons on this issue that law makers have to consider because of its huge impact on society. Marijuana is a drug made from a plant called cannibus sativa. It is inhaled and it is also eaten. Some side effects of consuming marijuana are becoming relaxed, alters your mood, make you hungry, heightened sensory awareness and altered perceptions. Personally I’ve been around

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