V' Nickel

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    English 10

    Honors English 10 Independent Reading Nickel and Dimed by Barbara Ehrenreich Purpose: * To increase exposure to different types of literature * To understand how reading can have practical applications Expectations: * Read Nickel and Dimed by Barbara Ehrenreich * Write a one-page summary of one of Ehrenreich’s 3 experiences in the book (CCPS Summary Checklist/Rubric) * Write a 2-3 page reflection on how issues in the book affect our local area, including first-hand experience

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    Nickel and Dimed

    the United States in high hopes of having a prosperous life with minimal efforts. They expect this glorious life in the United States not knowing what it really takes to get there. But can people really make this happen living on low wage jobs? In Nickel and Dimed, Barbara Ehrenreich goes undercover to find out if it is indeed possible. Starting from scratch she faces the everyday situations of a low wage worker. She has absolutely no idea how things will go, but she is determined to get good information

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    Nickel and Dimed

    History 1700 Nickel and Dimed Paper 13 November 2007 Nickel and Dimed Experience Have you ever been so poor that you didn’t know where your next meal was coming from? I have been this poor before and this book, “Nickel and Dimed: On (Not) Getting by in America”, really shows the heart ache it takes sometimes to just get by. I was amazed that the author, Barbara Ehrenreich, was willing to put herself through this pain to write this book and show people how hard it can be for lower waged

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    Nickel And Dimed: On (Not) Getting By In America

    There are many issues our country, the United States of America, is facing here in the 21st century. One of our major issues is our citizens suffering from poor housing or homelessness all together. This major issue is displayed in the book “Nickel and Dimed: On (Not) Getting By in America” written by Barbara Ehrenreich. Within this book, Barbara writes about her journey to see if single mothers are able to survive financially on minimum to low paying jobs. Therefore, she decides to put her journalist

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    Analysis Of Nickel And Dimed: On (Not) Getting By In America

    Nickel and Dimed: On (Not) Getting by in America is a novel that Barbara Ehrenreich wrote about her social experiment. She went undercover as a low-wage worker trying to live with the money she earns from work. There were rules that she have set for herself, however, she broke them throughout the experiment. If she had stuck to her rules throughout the experiment, then it could have gone a lot better and it would be more interesting. She would be able to fully experience how living in poverty would

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    Summary Of Barbara Ehrenreich Nickel And Dimed

    In Barbara Ehrenreich’s “Nickel and Dimed” on pages 395-402 in the Suffolk Common Reader she discusses the jobs women are more likely to get and the wages of those jobs. In this article she describes how the Maid is treated and what the job consists of and how and what they get paid. The main points of this article is the struggle to get to the American dream. I agree with what Ehrenreich is saying because the American dream isn’t just handed on a platter for most people. I agree with the main point

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    Nickel And Dimed Analysis

    Andrew H. Nguyen 6-22-16 AP English AP English 3: Nickel and Dimed Notes Argument: Ehrenreich argues that working minimum wage jobs will make it difficult to sustain one’s basic needs. Ethos: Mentions how most of her family are minimum wage workers (miners, factory workers, warehouse worker) giving herself credibility of having knowledge of the lifestyles of impoverished workers. (p. 2). Also is shown credibility by having a Ph.D in Biology (p. 3). Pathos: Talks about her sister’s difficult life

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    Barbara Ehrenreigh's Nickel And Dimed: Analysis

    After reading about Barbara Ehrenreigh’s plight in Nickel and Dimed: On (Not) Getting By in America, living as a low-wage worker is almost impossible, especially if issues are present that will impact work. For the amount of money earned, a bare bones lifestyle was extremely difficult to meet. Her standard of living, or “the level of wealth available to acquire material goods and comforts to maintain a particular socioeconomic style” (Griffiths et al., 2015, p. 202), decreased notably from her former

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    Low Wage Workers In Barbara Ehrenreich's Nickel And Dimed

    Nickel and Dimed is written by Barbra Ehrenreich, she tries to show us how she did as a low wage worker. She although has good points about some flaws with the system, she tries to pin it all on the government. Ehrenreich does well showing the underbelly of society, but her personal motivation is quite mysterious and well hidden within the book. She points out that cost of housing is hard for the poor and the prices have skyrocketed beyond reason. Ehrenreich seams to forget that minimum wage is

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    Homeless Veterans

    Real Life Experiment The timeless struggle between the cost of living and the income for low-wage work has made millions of working families unable to meet their basic needs. Barbara Ehrenreich investigates this struggle in her book, Nickel and Dimed. Working low-wage jobs in Florida, Maine and Minnesota as an undercover journalist, Ehrenreich gives a lively and interesting account of a low-wage worker’s life. She used first hand experiences, the lives of her co-workers, and added in facts (as

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