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10th Malaysian Plan


Submitted By mahadhevan
Words 499
Pages 2
Work Experience – Key Responsibilities
Janani Media Entertainment Sdn Bhd - Director * Responsible for development of sales plans and its implementations * Providing direction in the development of the business and its strategic planning * Developing the corporate relationship, maintaining the key corporate contacts and negotiating major contracts.
Speedcast Ltd – Country Manager, Sri Lanka, Nepal & Maldives * Responsible for achievement of assigned country revenue and profitability target, with emphasis on operational efficiency and productivity * Responsible for the growth and strategic development of the business in assigned countries * Develop and maintain good working relationships with customer and business partners * Coordinate market research and market intelligence data * Developing key marketing channels
Speedcast Ltd – Sales Manager, Telecoms & Broadcast Services * Managing existing clientele and building new potential customers in the assigned territory * Responsible for developing, positioning and selling the broadcast service across the region * Continually building and improving the broadband, multimedia and broadcast services thru innovative pre-sales and marketing activities. * Working closely with engineering and product team to improve delivery of Speedcast products and services.
MEASAT Satellite Systems – Assistant Manager, Ground Engineering * To co-ordinate, monitor and perform all ground systems equipment and VAS maintenance and operations; * To perform anomaly / fault investigation and produce appropriate documentation / technical reports as directed; * To develop new testing procedure and suggest procedure enhancement for increase operating efficiency; * To participate in the procuring, commissioning and testing of new earth station or VAS systems. Be part of the

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..., & EDITED BY SEOW KIAN TAN Background CIMB Group is Malaysia’s second largest financial services provider. It is listed on Bursa Malaysia through Bumiputra-Commerce Holdings Berhad (BCHB). In 2004, the CIMB Group began the process of creating a strong and competitive universal bank anchored by Commerce International Merchant Bankers (CIMB), Malaysia’s largest investment bank. In line with CIMB's forward thinking philosophy, CIMB has acquired stakes in international banks and these subsidiaries have been integrated into the CIMB Group making the CIMB Group the leader in investment banking in Southeast Asia. The majority stakeholder (28.39%) of the CIMB Group is Khazanah Nasional, which is the investment holding arm of the Malaysian Government. Khazanah Nasional also owns a stake in CIMB-Niaga (Khazanah Nasional Berhad, 2010). In just 2 years, CIMB transformed itself from Malaysia’s no. 1 investment bank into a regional universal banking group. CIMB has grown from staff strength of 1,000 in Malaysia to 20,000 in 12 countries while market capitalization has increased from RM6.3 billion to RM19.5 billion. The Group’s total assets grew from RM14.7 billion to RM155 billion with a further RM18 billion being third party funds under management (CIMB, 2010). Objectives and Philosophy CIMB’s objective is to create value by serving the needs of its clients, and doing this with integrity (Anonymous, Personal communication, September 15th 2010), CIMB's primary focus is...

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