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12 Angry Med


Submitted By Amiaki
Words 531
Pages 3
Movie: 12 Angry Men (1957) The movie is about a group of jurors that was working on a case of 15 years old boy that killed his father. And 11 jurors was agree that this boy was guilty and only one juror said that a boy wasn’t guilty. When all the jurors went to the meeting room for wotting 11 out of 12 jurors said that the boy is guilty and the want to finish this case because they have some other things to do and other places to go to. And they don’t want go over the all the evidences that they have. And only one juror wanted to talk about all the evidences because they didn’t looked to realistic to him. He demonstrate the ability of responsibility of the boy’s life, because the life that boy was in the hands of jurors, ability to see the problem in this case is evidence, breaking it in to a little pieces, and logically going through it to find a solution. The juror #8 his name was Davis started to breaking every evidence that they have against that boy in to a little pieces and then going through them piece by piece. And while they was doing it all the jurors was finding those evidence not real reliable because it was a lot of gaps in them. One of the evidence was that an old man heard like a boy in the fight with his father screamed that he will kill him and in a few seconds an old man heard like a body felt on the floor. But when they broke this evidence they figure out that it not reliable because at that time the train was passing next to the building and it’s a really little chance that an old man could hear what was going on the place of crime. And after that some jurors changed they mind from guilty to not guilty. And as more they was going through the evidence the more jurors was changing they minds because they was realizing that juror #8 is right. Juror #8 used “Inspiring Others” techniques. When he was going through the evidence in details more jurors was believing that the boy is not guilty. We can see is throughout the whole movie , each time they was going through the evidence more and more jurors was believing him. “Pay Attention To Your Followers” techniques. Juror #8 was always listening to others, and every time someone had something to say he was listening, even when they was talking not about the case but also when they was talking about they personal life. We can see in the scene when one of the jurors came to him and start talking about his past by the window.” Dealing With Difficult People” techniques. Many times other jurors were really aggressive to juror #8 when he was breaking down the evidence because they thought that it’s pointless and it’s just waist of their time. When they was doing this juror #8 was always asking to prove they point and almost all the time they couldn’t do it. And juror #8 was always proving his point.

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